Friday, September 13, 2024

Who is Reba Meyers?

One of the newer Marilyn Manson band members that really stood out during the show was Reba Meyers. Reba Meyers is a guitarist and vocalist best known for working with the metal band she helped to form in 2008 named Code Orange. 

Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, she is now playing guitar as one of  Marilyn Manson’s newest band members. On stage, she really gives an impressive performance. She has both an intensity and control in her playing that comes across as almost otherworldly. I also liked her laidback casual fashion sense -big cutoff jean shorts and a zippered tank top with short boots and knee highs- that fell somewhere between grunge and nu-metal. She’s just so awesome!!!! 

I don’t know if she’s planning to continue on with Manson after this tour but if she stays she’s going to be a great addition to the band and I’m happy to see more of her in the future. 

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